Sponsoring sqlite-vec for privacy-first mobile GenAI Applications illustration

Sponsoring sqlite-vec for privacy-first mobile GenAI Applications

Jacob Prall
Jacob Prall
2 min read
Jun 26, 2024

SQLite is one of the most successful open source projects of all time, with billions of deployments around the world. At SQLite Cloud, we firmly believe in the power of open source to empower developers and accelerate technological progress. To that end, we are committed to fostering open source contributions to the SQLite ecosystem.

Today, we’re excited to announce that SQLite Cloud is sponsoring the development of sqlite-vec, a SQLite extension that enables embeddable vector database. The project is led by independent engineer Alex Garcia, a prolific contributor to the SQLite extension ecosystem.

Vector databases enable semantic similarity searches on unstructured vectorized data. This is crucial for providing relevant, contextual information to LLM workflows.

As LLMs shrink, and mobile hardware improves for inference tasks, we see SQLite as the best option for storing vector data alongside application data. With a local embedded vector database, developers won’t need to build complicated RAG pipelines, but instead vectorize and query local data. This also means users will not have to surrender their sensitive local data to external LLMs or vector database vendors, a game-changer for privacy-focused generative AI application development.

At SQLite Cloud, we are building a local-first solution that ensures your user’s vector database is synchronized across devices, but never stored in the cloud. This will enable developers to build private, secure generative AI applications, powered by user data, with minimal complexity.

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